Interview with Rachel Kaplan and Dr. Prepper, an old-time back to basics author and prepping practitioner hailing from the hinterlands of Texas. We had a good talk about urban homesteading, heirloom skills and other practices of preparedness. Even though we live far from one another on the political spectrum, we found our common ground in these daily practices that support our lives. I appreciated the opportunity to talk with James Talmage Stevens, aka Dr. Prepper, who was open-minded, kind-hearted, committed to the conversation without leaning into polarity, and just in general an unexpected ally. And it’s always great to see how, on whatever end of the political spectrum where you live, there are people “across the aisle” from you who want the same basic things–dignity, sovereignty, clean air and water, good food, a future for their children, the right to honor spirit and the lifeforce as it moves them.
Check it out: