EcoSomatic Action offers individual, group & organizational support fostering dignity, capacity & resilience.
Somatics & Trauma Resolution
Somatics dials us into the wisdom of the body as a powerful vehicle for healing past traumas, growing personal resilience & supporting your committed actions in the world. Somatic interventions are at the vanguard of healing from chronic & shock trauma, as well as supporting your growing edge for living under pressure. Somatics is also a tool for the deep decolonization project, offering a set of practices for creating a new embodied culture from the inside out.
This work is for any body ready to transmute the habitual patterns of embodied trauma into a new shape, so that your past no longer offers the only operating instructions for your life. This helps you more freely choose how to respond in the present. This new knowing unfolds on personal, interpersonal, generational and cultural levels.
The work follows an organic pattern arising from our relationship, and includes dialogue, mindful awareness, hands-on de-armoring bodywork, movement exercises & interpersonal experiments. This work is offered for individuals and people working in community and group contexts.
Peak Experience Integration
Time in nature on vision quest or the wild unknown of psychedelic journeying offers an encounter with the wide mind of prophesy, spiritual guidance, and new instructions for living. How do we bring these visions from the clear air of the mountaintop into the valley of everyday life? How can we integrate what we see & hear & feel in liminal space into practices for living? As an intrepid explorer in these realms, I offer powerful support in the real work of integrating & embodying the gifts brought by vision quest & psychedelic encounters.
Personal Ecology
How can you rise to your highest light during this profound moment of global challenge and change? How can you clear away your obstacles to be of service to your life, and the lives of other beings around you?
Personal Ecology is a series of principles and practices supporting alignment with your values for generative living. Starting with an assessment of your current circumstances, this work fosters a systemic understanding of your personal ecosystem as well as nimble practices to support you in taking a stand for what you love and extending that love into the world.
Permaculture provides one of the templates for this artful redesign of your life. This beautiful place-based system offers deep ecological principles reflecting the wisdom of the body and the intelligence of nature. Befriending the deep teachings of the wild is also part of the craft.
Personal Ecology is offered as a series of one-on-one (or small group) meetings, educational materials, homework/behavioral changes, and a collaborative redesign process taking place over weeks or months, depending on your need. If you feel called to redesign your life to meet your hopes for a renewed world, please reach out to learn more about this powerful work.
Courage Consults
Courage consults are short, in-person, hands-on encounters where we tend to regulating your nervous system, and reconnecting with your courage, stamina and activism in response to the life-giving story of the moment.
Some sessions take place outside as we allow nature to participate in the healing process. Expressive arts modalities, including writing, dancing, drawing and storytelling are also used. Occasionally, daily practices which help re-pattern towards resilience, connected commitment, and a stronger extension of your commitments into the world are part of the healing journey.
Professional Mentorship & SuperVision
A forum for psychotherapists, permaculturists, educators, and non-profit and community organizers to deepen ecological systems thinking and strategies for direct action; somatic support for centering in the body, declaring our commitments, and taking a stand for what we love; moving personal and intergenerational trauma through the body and decolonizing white supremacy, as well as resources for educating others in ecological systems perspectives, mental health/nervous system support, emergent education and collaborative creativity. This work is done individually or in groups.